Friday, June 7, 2013

lunchtime 6/7 12pm

Here I am enjoying my 6 (or 5, whatever fit into the container) banana and half a carton of bluerries smoothie that I referred to in the last post.

I have an overall crappy feeling still. I feel quite tired as well. My sleep wasn't as great last night as it has been the past couple nights. Insomnia is a bitch and is not just sleeplessness, but rather the inability to fall back asleep once one has woken up. I definitely experienced that a couple times last night. Plus, my dog's wet nose graised the side of my body shortly after I woke around 5 am. Lol. Thankfully, my husband got up and walked her quickly because I knew that if I had, there'd be no way in hell I'd fall back asleep. I think I may have gotten light sleep until I awoke at 7am.

My lunch smoothie is too thick (not enough water) and I'm having visions of a Dickensian child gulping down porridge and wanting more. BUT, lemme tell you, I miss it when I don't have it because IT MAKES ME FEEL GOOD.
And that's what matters most, right?

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