Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, I went to a raw food meetup last night and it was pretty fun. I met some really interesting people and even some who I'd like to be friends with in the future. There were some tips like "eat simply" that I think will really work for me. Considering I don't ever cook, I can't imagine making elaborate recipes using dehydrators and blenders, etc. for hours on end. It's just unrealistic. And isn't one of the points of the diet to eat unprocessed foods. All fo that seems like a huge process to me - maybe not chemically, but physically and emotionally. :)
I ate a big salad at Bonobo's in NYC (shout out!) and it was really delicious. I love that place and despite being a bit pricey, it fills me up and the food is so colorful. I tasted this sweet nut ball type thing (haha, yeah, i said nut ball) from this very swet girl and it convinced me to buy a couple. I went home and ate one and was thoroughly satisfied. Amazing! Plus, this other girl let me in on the "secret" of their ice cream. I had no idea they even had ice cream, but they have durian flavor and all sorts of others that are of course great for you. It was a little evening that I really needed.
And last night, after eating 90% raw yesterday, I noticed something. Something little, yes, but still. The negative thoughts lessened in my head. And I KNOW it wasn't coincidence. I've had them in there for at least a few weeks and when I didn't have as many, I was like "whoah, there's all this free space in here". That's what it felt like to me. Like it aired out and some of the dirty fog was gone. Plus, I was walkign down this street that I usually hate to walked own (cold, gloomy) and I didn't realize it until I was at the end. Then I also realized that I had been singing to myself as well. Haven't done that in a long time.
So I am really going to take this day by day.
The KEY for me is eating healthy raw for 80% of my diet. I'm excited (and slightly terrified) but I will embark on this.
I'm getting new glasses today, and I hope they will accent the soon to be new me. And I don't need a before and after - just more of those little moments like I had yesterday...

*what I ate yesterday:

Happy Shake (gathered form other people's recipes and then some other stuff thrown in)
-spinach, bananas, blueberries, maca powder, water, ice, raw cacao nibs

-apple, gala

Jamba Juice smoothie (yes, i know I'm supporting THE MAN but it's soooo convenient for me in "the big city")
-all fruit pomegranate paradise--> pom juice, strawberries, mangos, peaches, ice
-sourdough pretzel (i know, i suck, but i'm trying to ween off this and it's not easy)

Gorilla Salad
-mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, veggie salad (broccoli, other delicious things in some kind of curry)
-one nut ball with agave nectar and figs in it, I me some nut balls, hehe...

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