Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 1

I'm embarking on a five day journey (which will hopefully turn into a 7 day and then longer journey)! My s.o., my darling man, has agreed to do it with me which makes it a lot easier than I thought. We went to our local whole foods and bought pounds and pounds of fruit! It was kind of fun and a lot zanier seeming than I thought.
It's funny how if you step out of the norm just a little, people really notice.
Anyway, we're doing the 80/10/10 spring diet exactly. Let me emphasize here, I have woken up feeling miserable for at least a week. It fades, but I've also had a clogged ear for about 4 days that won't go away. I think that will work itself out naturally. But more importantly, yesterday I felt my worst, emotionally, mentally, and especially physically. The food I've been eating has taken a huge toll on my body, even though I've worked in some healthier choices. It hasn't been enough. So I am truly at my wits end on ALL FRONTS. I don't want to forget that when I start feeling better.
I know I will, and I know we're going to thrive on this diet. I'm a little nervous about sticking to it, particularly during my "snacky" times, but I know I can do it.
This morning on Day 1 I started out by eating a whole huge papaya! Cut into halves, de-seeded, and smothered with blended kiwi "sauce". I feel very full and hopeful.
As for my start photo, that last one is what I look like now, maybe even slightly more bloated. I'll update soon if I see/feel progress before Day 5.
Wish me luck!
p.s. If you haven't read Dr. Graham's 80/10/10 Diet, you really should. It really truly makes a shitload of sense. I kid you not. It is what has inspired me to do this!

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