Saturday, June 8, 2013

Red Red Wine

Yes, I am spontaneously dancing to this 90s song. :P I think the bananas are working!! Yayyy. I woke up feeling not so great, couldn't sleep in again, but once I was up and showered, I started to feel great. The fog is lifting a bit.

meals today:

4 bananas in the car ride to the store

strawberry pie

not sure what's for dinner yet

The strawberry pie, I believe, was first drooled after by moi on the Raw Food Sisters blog. But this recipe also inspired me.

I drizzled honey on top so I suppose it's not vegan, but besides that it is.

I didn't use almonds or any nuts and no hemp seeds or anything. I used about 2 tbsp of coconut oil, the coconut covered dates you can buy in bulk, and some alcohol-free vanilla extract drops. Also, at the end I drizzled some local honey on top. Yummm.

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